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Cure : Curaetion

Datum vydání 18.10.2019
Typ balení BRD obal
Nosič / počet BRD / 2
Interpret Cure
Cena na eshopu
539 Kč s DPH
SKLADEM v eshopu 1 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
EAN 5051300541071



  1. Three Imaginary Boys - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  2. At Night - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  3. Other Voices - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  4. A Strange Day - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  5. Bananafishbones - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  6. A Night Like This - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  7. Like Cockatoos - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  8. Pictures of You - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  9. High - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  10. Jupiter Crash - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  11. 39 - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  12. Us or Them - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  13. S over - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  14. It Can Never Be the Same - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  15. Step into the Light - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  16. The Hungry Ghost - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  17. Alt.end - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  18. The Last Day of Summer - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  19. Want - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  20. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea - Live at the Royal Fest
  21. Disintegration - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  22. If Only Tonight We Could Sleep - Live at the Royal Festival
  23. Sinking - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  24. Shake Dog Shake - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  25. One Hundred Years - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  26. Primary - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  27. A Forest - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  28. Boys Don't Cry - Live at the Royal Festival Hall
  29. Menu / the Cure / Curaetion-25: from There to Here | from He


  1. Intro Bells - Live at Hyde Park
  2. Plainsong - Live at Hyde Park
  3. Pictures of You - Live at Hyde Park
  4. High - Live at Hyde Park
  5. A Night Like This - Live at Hyde Park
  6. The Walk - Live at Hyde Park
  7. The End of the World - Live at Hyde Park
  8. Lovesong - Live at Hyde Park
  9. Push - Live at Hyde Park
  10. Inbetween Days - Live at Hyde Park
  11. Just Like Heaven - Live at Hyde Park
  12. If Only Tonight We Could Sleep - Live at Hyde Park
  13. Play for Today - Live at Hyde Park
  14. A Forest - Live at Hyde Park
  15. Shake Dog Shake - Live at Hyde Park
  16. Burn - Live at Hyde Park
  17. Fascination Street - Live at Hyde Park
  18. Never Enough - Live at Hyde Park
  19. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea - Live at Hyde Park
  20. Disintegration - Live at Hyde Park
  21. Lullaby - Live at Hyde Park
  22. The Caterpillar - Live at Hyde Park
  23. Friday I'm in Love - Live at Hyde Park
  24. Close to Me - Live at Hyde Park
  25. Why Can't I Be You? - Live at Hyde Park
  26. Thanks @ 30 - Live at Hyde Park
  27. Boys Don't Cry - Live at Hyde Park
  28. S Train - Live at Hyde Park
  29. Grinding Halt - Live at Hyde Park
  30. 10:15 Saturday Night - Live at Hyde Park
  31. Killing an Arab - Live at Hyde Park
  32. Menu / the Cure / Anniversary: 1978 - 2018 Live in Hyde Park
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