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John Williams : The Berlin Concert

Datum vydání 04.02.2022
Typ balení BRD BOX
Nosič / počet CD+BRD / 4
Interpret John Williams
Cena na eshopu
839 Kč s DPH
SKLADEM v eshopu 5 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
Sólisté Bruno Delepelaire
Dirigent John Williams
Orchestr / Hudební těleso Berliner Philharmoniker / Berlin Philharmonic
EAN 0028948617135


CD 1
1. Applause
2. Olympic Fanfare and Theme
3. Excerpts
4. Introduction by John Williams
5. Suite
6. Introduction by John Williams
7. Hedwig's Theme
8. Nimbus 2000
9. Harry's Wondrous World
10. Theme
11. Superman March
CD 2
1. Introduction by John Williams
2. Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
3. Marion's Theme
4. Raiders March
5. Introduction by John Williams
6. Elegy for Cello and Orchestra
7. Introduction by John Williams
8. The Adventures of Han
9. Yoda's Theme
10. Throne Room & Finale
11. Introduction by John Williams
12. Princess Leia's Theme
13. Flying Theme
14. The Imperial March
1. Applause
2. Olympic Fanfare and Theme
3. Excerpts
4. Introduction by John Williams
5. Suite
6. Introduction by John Williams
7. Hedwig's Theme
8. Nimbus 2000
9. Harry's Wondrous World
10. Theme
11. Superman March
12. Introduction by John Williams
13. Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
14. Marion's Theme
15. Raiders March
16. Introduction by John Williams
17. Elegy for Cello and Orchestra
18. Introduction by John Williams
19. The Adventures of Han
20. Yoda's Theme
21. Throne Room & Finale
22. Introduction by John Williams
23. Princess Leia's Theme
24. Flying Theme
25. The Imperial March
1. Applause
2. Olympic Fanfare and Theme
3. Excerpts
4. Introduction by John Williams
5. Suite
6. Introduction by John Williams
7. Hedwig's Theme
8. Nimbus 2000
9. Harry's Wondrous World
10. Theme
11. Superman March
12. Introduction by John Williams
13. Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
14. Marion's Theme
15. Raiders March
16. Introduction by John Williams
17. Elegy for Cello and Orchestra
18. Introduction by John Williams
19. The Adventures of Han
20. Yoda's Theme
21. Throne Room & Finale
22. Introduction by John Williams
23. Princess Leia's Theme
24. Flying Theme
25. The Imperial March

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