Datum vydání | 09.09.2022 |
Typ balení | LP obal |
Nosič / počet | LP / 2 |
Interpret | Kinks |
Provedení | Remasterovaná edice |
EAN | 4050538797138 |
Jedna z nejdůležitějších kapel britské hudební invaze let šedesátých
Reedice jedenáctého studiového alba „Everybody’s In Show-biz“, které je na druhém disku doplněno nahrávkami zvystoupení vCarnagie Hall.
1. Here Comes Yet Another Day (2022 Remaster)
2. Maximum Consumption (2022 Remaster)
3. Unreal Reality (2022 Remaster)
4. Hot Potatoes (2022 Remaster)
5. Sitting in My Hotel (2022 Remaster)
6. Motorway (2022 Remaster)
7. You Don't Know My Name (2022 Remaster)
8. Supersonic Rocket Ship (2022 Remaster)
9. Look a Little on the Sunny Side (2022 Remaster)
10. CelluloidHeroes (2022 Remaster)
1. Top of the Pops (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
2. Brainwashed (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
3. Mr. Wonderful (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
4. Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
5. Holiday (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
6. Muswell Hillbilly (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
7. Alcohol (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
8. Banana Boat Song (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
9. Skin and Bone (Live atCarnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
10. Baby Face (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
11. D6 Lola (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York, 3rd March 1972) (2022 Remaster)
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