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Datum vydání | 30.06.2023 |
Typ balení | CD obal |
Nosič / počet | CD / 1 |
Interpret | Laibach |
EAN | 5400863078386 |
1. Title Sequence
2. The Coming Race
3. Neomenia Moon Base
4. Walküre Lands
5. The Arrival of Russian Refugees
6. Obi Inspects the Spaceship Kona
7. Renate Refuses to Host Refugees
8. Moonquake
9. The Jobsists
10. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
11. Renate and Obi
12. Vestal Celestial Amelia
13. Moon Führer is Back
14. Obi and Vril Wolfgang Fight
15. Renate's Illness
16. Vril-ya
17. Wolfgang's Flashback
18. Map of Agartha / Expedition for the Journey
19. Back to Earth / Crash Landing
20. Hollow Earth
21. 3310 Blue R7309170
22. The Promised Land
23. The City of Agartha, Pt. 1
24. The Vril Banquet Hall
25. The City of Agartha, Pt. 2
26. First Among Steves
27. Malcolm Fights Raptors
28. The Jobsists Presented to Vril Hitler
29. The Gate to the Holy Grail
30. The Jobsists Negotiating with Vril Hitler and Get Eaten by Vril Jobs
31. Stealing the Holy Grail
32. Malcolm Fights Vril Jobs and Vril Hitler
33. The Triceratops Chariot Race
34. Escape from Earth
35. Wolfgang's Disclosure
36. Sieg Heil, Mutterfächer!
37. Zeit zum Töten
38. Renate Dies
39. Escape from the Moon / iExcommunicating Wolfgang
40. Celebratory Party / Space Funeral
41. Love is Still Alive
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