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Pet Shop Boys : Dreamworld

Datum vydání 02.05.2025
Typ balení DVD obal
Nosič / počet BRD, CD / 3
Interpret Pet Shop Boys
Cena na eshopu
799 Kč s DPH
Předobjednávka expedice v den vydání
EAN 5054197941887

Legenda taneční a elektropopové hudby. Britské duo proslulo už koncem osmdesátých let, kdy vydalo první alba Please (1986) a Actually (1987) s hity jako It’s A Sin, West End Girls, Rent nebo Suburbia. Pet Shop Boys patří k nejvlivnějším anglickým skupinám konce dvacátého století, k jejich odkazu se hlásí celá řada hudebníků. Spolupracovali s Davidem Bowiem, Robbie Williamsem, Kylie Minogue, Blur, Lizou Minnelli nebo Dusty Springfield, byli součástí úspěšného projektu Electronic. Jejich předností byly chytré texty, v nichž se nikdy nevyhýbali sociálním tématům. Pánové Neil Tennant a Chris Lowe dodnes prodali na 50 milionů desek, obdrželi řadu ocenění včetně Brit Awards za celoživotní přínos a několikrát byli nominováni na Grammy.

Podtitul The Greatest Hits Live At The Royal Arena Copenhagen je všeříkajícím popisem toho, co vás na Blu-ray nosiči čeká. Řežisér David Bernard s využitím čtrnácti kamer zachytil pestrou jevištní show ve fascinujících kulisách na pódiu kodaňské Royal Areny. Pet Shop Boys tu vystoupili 7.7.2023 a okouzlenému publiku nabídli padesát různě zaranžovaných skladeb. Nechybí žádný hit skupiny, polovinu z nich najdete i na přiloženém 2CD.


1. Suburbia (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:04]
2. Can you forgive her? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:56]
3. Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [03:39]
4. Where the streets have no name (I can't take my eyes off you) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [04:32]
5. Rent (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:36]
6. I don't know what you want but I can't give it any more (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:27]
7. So hard (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:00]
8. Left to my own devices (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:47]
9. Single-Bilingual / Se a vide é (That's the way life is) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [03:30]
10. Domino dancing (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:20]
11. Monkey business (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:10]
12. New York City boy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:21]
13. Jealousy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:17]
14. Love comes quickly (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:24]
15. Paninaro (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:10]
16. Always on my mind (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:04]
17. Dreamland (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:28]
18. Heart (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:19]
19. What have I done to deserve this? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:24]
20. It's alright (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:21]
21. Vocal (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:32]
22. Go West (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [05:03]
23. It's a sin (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [05:02]
24. West End girls (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:00]
25. Being boring (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:52]
26. Suburbia (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:04]
27. Can you forgive her? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:56]
28. Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [03:39]
29. Where the streets have no name (I can't take my eyes off you) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [04:32]
30. Rent (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:36]
31. I don't know what you want but I can't give it any more (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:27]
32. So hard (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:00]
33. Left to my own devices (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:47]
34. Single-Bilingual / Se a vide é (That's the way life is) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [03:30]
35. Domino dancing (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:20]
36. Monkey business (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:10]
37. New York City boy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:21]
38. Jealousy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:17]
39. Love comes quickly (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:24]
40. Paninaro (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:10]
41. Always on my mind (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:04]
42. Dreamland (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:28]
43. Heart (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:19]
44. What have I done to deserve this? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:24]
45. It's alright (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:21]
46. Vocal (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:26]
47. Go West (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [05:03]
48. It's a sin (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [05:02]
49. West End girls (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:00]
50. Being boring (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:52]

1. Suburbia (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [06:58]
2. Can you forgive her? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:06]
3. Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [03:06]
4. Where the streets have no name (I can't take my eyes off you) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [04:58]
5. Rent (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:22]
6. I don't know what you want but I can't give it any more (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:33]
7. So hard (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [02:52]
8. Left to my own devices (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [05:55]
9. Single-Bilingual / Se a vide é (That's the way life is) [Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023] [06:27]
10. Domino dancing (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [02:07]
11. Monkey business (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:43]
12. New York City boy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:56]
13. Jealousy (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:37]

1. Love comes quickly (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:17]
2. Paninaro (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [02:34]
3. Always on my mind (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:28]
4. Dreamland (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:54]
5. Heart (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:50]
6. What have I done to deserve this? (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:17]
7. It's alright (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [03:59]
8. Vocal (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:31]
9. Go West (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [04:57]
10. It's a sin (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [06:01]
11. West End girls (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [06:08]
12. Being boring (Live at the Royal Arena Copenhagen, 7th July 2023) [07:00]

Další hudba a filmy od Pet Shop Boys
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