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Datum vydání | 16.06.2023 |
Typ balení | CD BOX |
Nosič / počet | CD+BRD / 5 |
Interpret | Pet Shop Boys |
Provedení | Limitovaná edice |
EAN | 5054197296215 |
Legenda taneční a elektropopové hudby. Britské duo proslulo už koncem osmdesátých let, kdy vydalo první alba Please (1986) a Actually (1987) s hity jako It’s A Sin, West End Girls, Rent nebo Suburbia. Pet Shop Boys patří k nejvlivnějším anglickým skupinám konce dvacátého století, k jejich odkazu se hlásí celá řada hudebníků. Spolupracovali s Davidem Bowiem, Robbie Williamsem, Kylie Minogue, Blur, Lizou Minnelli nebo Dusty Springfield, byli součástí úspěšného projektu Electronic. Jejich předností byly chytré texty, v nichž se nikdy nevyhýbali sociálním tématům. Pánové Neil Tennant a Chris Lowe dodnes prodali na 50 milionů desek, obdrželi řadu ocenění včetně Brit Awards za celoživotní přínos a několikrát byli nominováni na Grammy.
Nová kolekce obsahující všechny singly vydané nejúspěšnějším duem v britské hudební historii. Skladby jsou nově zremasterovány a jsou k dispozici na 3CD, 3CD+2BR a 6LP. Blu-ray disky obsahují všechny videoklipy Pet Shop Boys a další bonusový materiál.
1. West End girls
2. Love comes quickly
3. Opportunities (Let's make lots of money)
4. Suburbia
5. It's a sin
6. What have I done to deserve this?
7. Rent
8. Always on my mind
9. Heart
10. Domino dancing
11. Left to my own devices
12. It's alright
13. So hard
14. Being boring
15. Where the streets have no name/I can't take my eyes off you
16. Jealousy
17. DJ Culture
18. Was it worth it? (7” Version)
1. Can you forgive her?
2. Go West
3. I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing (7” Version)
4. Liberation
5. Yesterday, when I was mad (Single Version)
6. Paninaro 95
7. Before
8. Se a vida è (that's the way life is)
9. Single bilingual
10. A red letter day
11. Somewhere
12. I don't know what you want but I can't give it any more
13. New York City boy (US Radio Edit)
14. You only tell me you love me when you're drunk
15. Home and dry
16. I get along (Radio Edit)
17. Miracles (Radio Edit)
18. Flamboyant (7” Mix)
1. I'm with Stupid
2. Minimal (Radio Edit)
3. Numb (Single Edit)
4. Love etc.
5. Did you see me coming?
6. It doesn't often snow at Christmas (New Version)
7. Together (Ultimate Mix)
8. Winner
9. Leaving
10. Memory of the future (New Single Mix)
11. Vocal (Radio Edit)
12. Love is a bourgeois construct (Night-time Radio Edit
13. Thursday (feat. Example) (Radio Edit)
14. The Pop Kids (Radio Edit)
15. Twenty-something (Radio Edit)
16. Say it to me (New Radio Mix)
17. Dreamland (feat. Years & Years)
18. Monkey business (Radio Edit)
19. I don't wanna (Radio Edit)
BRD1: The complete videos 1985-2020
1. West End girls
2. Love comes quickly
3. Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots Of Money) (Version 2)
4. Suburbia
5. It’s a sin
6. What have I done to deserve this?
7. Rent
8. Always on my mind
9. Heart
10. Domino dancing
11. Left to my own devices
12. It’s alright
13. So hard
14. Being boring
15. Where the streets have no name/I can’t take my eyes off you
16. Jealousy
17. DJ Culture
18. Was it worth it? (7” Version)
19. Can you forgive her?
20. Go West
21. I wouldn’t normally do this kind of thing
22. Liberation
23. Yesterday, when I was mad
24. Paninaro ’95
25. Before
26. Se a vida é
27. Single-Bilingual
28. A red letter day
29. Somewhere
30. I don’t know what you want but I can’t give it any more
31. New York City boy
32. You only tell me you love me when you’re drunk
33. Home and dry
34. I get along/E-mail
35. Miracles (Radio Edit)
36. Flamboyant (7” Mix)
37. I’m with Stupid
38. Minimal (radio edit)
39. Numb
40. Love etc
41. Did you see me coming?
42. It doesn’t often snow at Christmas (Live at the O2 Arena, 2009)
43. Together
44. Winner
45. Leaving
46. Memory of the future (Official lyric video)
47. Vocal (radio edit) (3
48. Thursday (feat. Example) (radio edit)
49. The pop kids (Official lyric video)
50. Twenty-something
51. Dreamland (feat. Years & Years) (Official lyric video)
52. Monkey business
53. I don’t wanna (Animated lyric video)
BRD2: The extras
1. Opportunities (Let’s make lots of money)(Original version)
2. Paninaro (1986 video)
3. Domino dancing (extended version)
4. So hard (extended version)
5. How can you expect to be taken ser
6. Go West (extended version)
7. London
8. Integral
9. All over the world (Live at the O2 Arena, 2009)
10. Invisible
11. Axis
12. On social media (Official lyric video)
13. Burning the heather (Official lyric video)
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