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Sabaton : The Great Show (DVD+BRD)

Datum vydání 19.11.2021
Typ balení DVD obal
Nosič / počet BRD+DVD / 2
Interpret Sabaton
Cena na eshopu
729 Kč s DPH
SKLADEM v eshopu 2 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
EAN 4065629618100

Tracklist :
01. Ghost Division (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
02. Great War (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
03. The Attack Of The Dead Men (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
04. Seven Pillars Of Wisdom (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
05. The Lost Battalion (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
06. The Red Baron (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
07. The Last Stand (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
08. Far From The Fame (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
09. Night Witches (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
10. Angels Calling (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
11. Fields Of Verdun (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
12. The Price Of A Mile (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
13. The Lion From The North (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
14. Carolus Rex (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
15. Primo Victoria (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
16. Bismarck (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
17. Swedish Pagans (The Great Tour Live In Prague)
18. To Hell And Back (The Great Tour Live In Prague)

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