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Steve Reich : Collected Works (26CD + 1DVD)

Datum vydání 07.03.2025
Typ balení CD BOX
Nosič / počet CD+DVD / 27
Cena na eshopu
3 049 Kč s DPH
Zboží na cestě (čekáme na dodání dodavatelem)
Osoby Steve Reich
EAN 0075597904185

Rozsáhlý box 26 CD a DVD obsahuje hudbu, jež byla vydána během čtuřicetiletého působení u labelu Nonesuch. Kolekce představuje nahrávky od It's Gonna Rain }1965] k nejnovějším počinům Traveler's Prayer (2020) a Jacob's Ladder (2023). V bohaté brožuře najdete nové eseje od dlouholetého prezidenta vydavatelství Roberta Hurwitze, skladatele Nico Muhlyho či dirigenta Michaela Tilsona Thomase nebo posluchačskou příručku od klavíristy Tima Andrese.

Americký skladatel, minimalista a inovátor Steve Reich je držitelem mnoha ocenění včetně Grammy. Reichův minimalistický přístup k hudbě ovlivnil řadu hudebníků od prog-rockových King Crimson a Briana Ena až k experimentátorům The Residents.

1. Come Out 12:54
2. Piano Phase 20:26
3. Clapping Music 04:39
4. It's Gonna Rain, Pt. I (1965) 07:49
5. It's Gonna Rain, Pt. II (1965) 09:47


1. Piano Phase 16:44
2. Pendulum Music 04:38
3. Four Organs 15:35
4. Phase Patterns 00:00

1. Drumming: Pt. I 17:30
2. Drumming: Pt. II 18:12
3. Drumming: Pt. III 11:33
4. Drumming: Pt. IV 09:47

1. Duet 05:37
2. Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ 18:30
3. Six Pianos 24:05
4. Variations for Winds, Strings and Keyboards 21:43
5. Vermont Counterpoint 09:36

1. Music for 18 Musicians: Pulses 05:26
2. Music for 18 Musicians: Section I 03:58
3. Music for 18 Musicians: Section II 05:13
4. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IIIA 03:55
5. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IIIB 03:46
6. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IV 06:37
7. Music for 18 Musicians: Section V 06:49
8. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VI 04:54
9. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VII 04:19
10. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VIII 03:35
11. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IX 05:24
12. Music for 18 Musicians: Section X 01:51
13. Music for 18 Musicians: Section XI 05:44
14. Music for 18 Musicians: Pulses II 06:11

1. New York Counterpoint: I. Fast 05:03
2. New York Counterpoint: II. Slow 02:44
3. New York Counterpoint: III. Fast 03:52
4. Eight Lines (Octet) [1979] 17:29
5. Four Organs 15:53

1. Tehillim, Pt. I (Fast) 11:46
2. Tehillim, Pt. II (Fast) 05:54
3. Tehillim, Pt. III (Slow) 06:19
4. Tehillim, Pt. IV (Fast) 06:21
5. Three Movements - Movement I 06:43
6. Three Movements - Movement II 03:42
7. Three Movements - Movement III 04:21


1. The Desert Music: First Movement (Fast) 07:54
2. The Desert Music: Second Movement (Moderate) 06:59
3. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. One (Slow) 06:59
4. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. Two (Moderate) 05:54
5. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. Three (Slow) 05:55
6. The Desert Music: Fourth Movement (Moderate) 03:35
7. The Desert Music: Fifth Movement (Fast) 10:46

1. Sextet: 1st Movement 10:29
2. Sextet: 2nd Movement 04:12
3. Sextet: 3rd Movement 02:28
4. Sextet: 4th Movement 03:15
5. Sextet: 5th Movement 05:48
6. Six Marimbas 16:19


1. Different Trains: America, Before the War 08:58
2. Different Trains: Europe, During the War 07:30
3. Different Trains: After the War 10:30
4. Electric Counterpoint: I. Fast 06:51
5. Electric Counterpoint: II. Slow 03:21
6. Electric Counterpoint: III. Fast 04:30

1. The Four Sections - I. Strings (With Winds and Brass) 11:25
2. The Four Sections - II. Percussion 02:29
3. The Four Sections - III. Winds and Brass (With Strings) 05:55
4. The Four Sections - IV. Full Orchestra 06:11
5. Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ 16:47

1. Act 1 - Typing Music (Genesis XVI) 02:57
2. Act 1 - Who Is Abraham? 01:32
3. Act 1 - Genesis XII 02:18
4. Act 1 - Who Is Sarah? 03:05
5. Act 1 - Who Is Hagar? 02:37
6. Act 1 - Typing Music Repeat 01:13
7. Act 1 - Who Is Ishmael? 04:41
8. Act 1 - Genesis XVIII 02:28
9. Act 1 - Who Is Isaac? 04:56
10. Act 1 - Genesis XXI 02:33
11. Act 1 - The Casting out of Ishmael and Hagar 05:22
12. Act 1 - Machpelah Commentary 03:26
13. Act 1 - Genesis XXV 01:20
14. Act 1 - Interior of the Cave 04:27
15. Act 2 - Surah 3 03:07

1. Act 2 - Who Is Ibrahim? 04:24
2. Act 2 - Who Is Hajar? 03:53
3. Act 2 - The Near Sacrifice 05:01
4. Act 2 - El Khalil Commentary 05:18
5. Act 2 - Interior of the Cave 03:42
6. Act 3 - Who Is Abraham? 06:30
7. Act 3 - Who Is Sarah? 04:23
8. Act 3 - Who Is Hagar? 04:41
9. Act 3 - Who Is Ishmael? 04:06
10. Act 3 - The Binding of Isaac 04:27
11. Act 3 - The Cave of Machpelah 08:39

1. Proverb 14:04
2. Nagoya Marimba 04:31
3. City Life: I. Check It Out 05:51
4. City Life: II. Pile Driver / Alarms 03:54
5. City Life: III. It's Been A Honeymoon - Can't Take No Mo 04:47
6. City Life: IV. Heartbeats / Boats & Buoys 03:59
7. City Life: V. Heavy Smoke 04:43

1. Triple Quartet: First Movement 07:10
2. Triple Quartet: Second Movement 04:05
3. Triple Quartet: Third Movement 03:28
4. Electric Guitar Phase 15:11
5. Music for a Large Ensemble 14:51
6. Tokyo / Vermont Counterpoint 09:05

1. Hindenburg: Nibelung Zeppelin 03:19
2. Hindenburg: A Very Impressive Thing to See 02:35
3. Hindenburg: I Couldn't Understand It 05:14
4. Bikini: In the Air - 1 01:24
5. Bikini: The Atoll - 1 01:46
6. Bikini: On the Ships - 1 02:46
7. Bikini: In the Air - 2 01:53
8. Bikini: The Atoll - 2 02:28
9. Bikini: On the Ships - 2 02:44
10. Bikini: In the Air - 3 01:58
11. Bikini: The Atoll - 3 02:48
12. Bikini: On the Ships - 3 02:16
13. Bikini: Coda 02:17
14. Dolly: Cloning 02:45
15. Dolly: Dolly 01:53
16. Dolly: Human Body Machine 06:13
17. Dolly: Darwin 04:04
18. Dolly: Interlude 00:31
19. Dolly: Robot / Cyborgs / Immortality 10:37

1. It Could Not Have Been a Technical Matter 04:57
2. Nibelung Zeppelin 03:19
3. A Very Impressive Thing to See 02:35
4. I Couldn't Understand It 05:15
5. In the Air - 1 01:34
6. The Atoll - 1 01:46
7. On the Ships - 1 02:24
8. In the Air - 2 02:16
9. The Atoll - 2 02:28
10. On the Ships - 2 02:43
11. In the Air - 3 01:58
12. The Atoll - 3 02:47
13. On the Ships - 3 02:16
14. Coda 02:14
15. Cloning 03:13
16. Dolly 01:34
17. Human Body Machine 06:13
18. Darwin 04:34
19. Interlude 01:11
20. Robot / Cyborgs / Immortality 11:05

1. You Are Wherever Your Thoughts Are 13:14
2. Shiviti Hashem L'Negdi (I Place the Eternal Before Me) 04:15
3. Explanations Come to an End Somewhere 05:24
4. Ehmor M'aht, V'ahsay Harbay (Say Little and Do Much) 04:04
5. Cello Counterpoint 11:31


1. Daniel Variations: I saw a dream 06:23
2. Daniel Variations: My name is Daniel Pearl (I'm a Jewish American from Encino California) 08:23
3. Daniel Variations: Let the dream fall back on the dreaded 04:43
4. Daniel Variations: I sure hope Gabriel likes my music, when the day is done 10:07
5. Variations for Vibes, Pianos, and Strings: Fast 11:35
6. Variations for Vibes, Pianos, and Strings: Slow 06:52
7. Variations for Vibes, Pianos, and Strings: Fast 03:32

1. Double Sextet: I. Fast 08:39
2. Double Sextet: II. Slow 06:43
3. Double Sextet: III. Fast 06:56
4. 2x5: I. Fast 10:12
5. 2x5: II. Slow 03:12
6. 2x5: III. Fast 07:08

1. Steve Reich: WTC 9/11 I. 9/11 03:39
2. Steve Reich: WTC 9/11 II. 2010 07:27
3. Steve Reich: WTC 9/11 III. WTC 04:36
4. Steve Reich: Mallet Quartet I. Fast 06:47
5. Steve Reich: Mallet Quartet II. Slow 03:10
6. Steve Reich: Mallet Quartet III. Fast 04:43
7. Steve Reich: Dance Patterns 06:07

1. Electric Counterpoint: I. Fast 06:51
2. Electric Counterpoint: II. Slow 03:23
3. Electric Counterpoint: III. Fast 04:27
4. Piano Counterpoint 13:44
5. Radio Rewrite: I. Fast 03:52
6. Radio Rewrite: II. Slow 03:23
7. Radio Rewrite: III. Fast 03:21
8. Radio Rewrite: IV. Slow 03:53
9. Radio Rewrite: V. Fast 02:59


1. Pulse 14:22
2. Quartet: I. Fast 06:45
3. Quartet: II. Slow 03:58
4. Quartet: III. Fast 05:54

1. Runner: I. Sixteenths 04:30
2. Runner: II. Eighths 01:27
3. Runner: III. Quarters 02:09
4. Runner: IV. Eighths 02:33
5. Runner: V. Sixteenths 05:00
6. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: I. Sixteenths 04:58
7. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: II. Eighths 03:13
8. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: III. Quarters 02:23
9. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: IV. Eighths 03:46
10. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: V. Sixteenths 05:23

1. Reich/Richter: Opening 09:08
2. Reich/Richter: Patterns & scales 10:03
3. Reich/Richter: Cross fades 12:52
4. Reich/Richter: Ending 04:34

1. Jacob's Ladder: I. Genesis 04:06
2. Jacob's Ladder: II. Vayachalom (And he dreamed) 02:27
3. Jacob's Ladder: III. V'hinei, sulam mutzav artza (And behold, a ladder set up on the Earth) 03:20
4. Jacob's Ladder: IV. V'rosho magia hashamayima (And its top reached heaven) 03:41
5. Jacob's Ladder: V. V'hinei, malachei Elokim olim v'yordim bo (And behold, messengers of G-d ascending and descending on it) 05:35
6. Traveler's Prayer 12:30

1. Music for 18 Musicians (modular version): Pulses 05:22
2. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 1 04:18
3. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 2 04:26
4. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 3a 03:56
5. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 3b 04:05
6. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 4 04:58
7. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 5 05:23
8. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 6 04:37
9. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 7 03:42
10. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 8 03:46
11. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 9 04:25
12. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 10 01:32
13. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Section 11 04:07
14. Music For 18 Musicians (Modular Version) - Pulses 04:32

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