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Voivod : Killing Technology/deluxe Expanded Edition

Datum vydání 28.04.2017
Typ balení CD obal
Nosič / počet CD / 3
Interpret Voivod
Cena na eshopu
439 Kč s DPH
SKLADEM v eshopu 1 ks dodání obvykle do 3 dnů
Provedení Deluxe edice
EAN 4050538214543

(1987/2017) reedice

CD 1
1. Killing Technology
2. Overreaction
3. Tornado
4. Too Scared to Scream
5. Forgotten in Space
6. Ravenous Medicine
7. Order of the Blackguards
8. This is Not an Exercise
9. Cockroaches
CD 2
1. Killing Technology - Live in Montreal, September '87
2. Overreaction - Live in Montreal, September '87
3. Ravenous Medicine - Live in Montreal, September '87
4. Tornado - Live in Montreal, September '87
5. Korgull the Exterminator - Live in Montreal, September '87
6. Ripping Headaches - Live in Montreal, September '87
7. Blower - Live in Montreal, September '87
8. Live for Violence - Live in Montreal, September '87
9. Tribal Convictions - Live in Montreal, September '87
10. Order of the Blackguards - Live in Montreal, September '87
11. Cockroaches - Live in Montreal, September '87
12. To the Death! - Live in Montreal, September '87
13. Voivod - Live in Montreal, September '87
14. Batman - Live in Montreal, September '87
CD 3
1. Killing Technology Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium
2. Overreaction Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28/11
3. Ravenous Medicine Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium
4. Tornado Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28/11/87
5. Korgull the Exterminator Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, B
6. Nuclear War Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28/11/
7. Warriors of Ice Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28
8. Live for Violence Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium
9. Tribal Convictions Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium
10. Order of the Blackguards Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, B
11. To the Death! Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28/1
12. Voivod Live at Kriekelaarzaal, Brussels, Belgium 28/11/87
13. Killing Technology Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, U
14. Overreaction Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, USA 14/
15. Ravenous Medicine Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, Us
16. Tornado Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, USA 14/05/87
17. Korgull the Exterminator Live at the Token Lounge, Westland,
18. Ripping Headaches Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, Us
19. Order of the Blackguards Live at the Token Lounge, Westland,
20. Forgotten in Space Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, U
21. Thrashing Rage Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, USA 1
22. Suck Your Bone Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, USA 1
23. Warriors of Ice Live at the Token Lounge, Westland, Mi, USA
24. Killing Technology Live at Rc6ssliazmoos, Sargans, Switzerla
25. Overreaction Live at Rc6ssliazmoos, Sargans, Switzerland 06/
26. Ravenous Medicine Live at Rc6ssliazmoos, Sargans, Switzerlan
27. Tornado Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
28. Korgull the Exterminator Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/
29. Ripping Headaches Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
30. Warriors of Ice Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
31. Live for Violence Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
32. Tribal Convictions Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
33. Cockroaches Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
34. To the Death! Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
35. Voivod Live at Sargans, Switzerland 06/11/87
36. Killing Technology Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07
37. Overreaction Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07/11/87
38. Ravenous Medicine Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07/
39. Tornado Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07/11/87
40. Korgull the Exterminator Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germ
41. Ripping Headaches (Part) Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germ
42. Warriors of Ice Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07/11
43. Live for Violence Live at Festhalle, Tuttlingen, Germany 07/
44. Killing Technology Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
45. Overreaction Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
46. Ravenous Medicine Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
47. Tornado Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
48. Korgull the Exterminator Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/
49. Ripping Headaches Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
50. Warriors of Ice Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
51. Live for Violence Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
52. Tribal Convictions Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
53. Order of the Blackguards Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/
54. To the Death! Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
55. Voivod Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
56. Batman Live at Rex Club, Paris, France 01/12/87
57. Killing Technology Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19
58. Overreaction Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
59. Ravenous Medicine Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/0
60. Tornado Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
61. Korgull the Exterminator Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Cana
62. Ripping Headaches Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/0
63. Blower Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
64. Live for Violence Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/
65. Tribal Convictions Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/
66. Order of the Blackguards Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Cana
67. To the Death! Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
68. Voivod Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
69. Batman Live at Ildiko's, Toronto, On, Canada 19/09/87
70. Killing Technology Artwork Slideshow, 1987
71. Ravenous Medicine Live & Studio Photos, 1987

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